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hit counterQurandb Learning Arabic is the best way to understand the meanings of the Holy Quran. || FAQs ||Features ||MCQs | |TDB | |Arafat | |Tawaf | |Saee | |Umrah | |Quranic Dictionary |
| | Al-Ala | Pre Ayat ← 0 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Most High | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
Translit: Bismi Allahi alrrahmani alrraheemi
0 Bismithismi
1 AllahiAllahi
2 alrrahmanialrrahmani
3 alrraheemialrrahiymi
| | Al-Ala | Pre Ayat ← 1 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Most High | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:(O Prophet,) glorify the name of your Lord, the Highest.
Translit: Sabbihi isma rabbika alaAAla
0 SabbihiSabbihi
1 ismaisma
2 rabbikarabbika
3 alaAAlaala`la
| | Al-Ala | Pre Ayat ← 2 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Most High | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:Who created and proportioned.
Translit: Allathee khalaqa fasawwa
0 AllatheeAllathiy
1 khalaqakhalaqa
2 fasawwasaw
| | Al-Ala | Pre Ayat ← 3 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Most High | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:Who set a destiny and showed the way.
Translit: Waallathee qaddara fahada
0 waallatheeWaallathiy
1 qaddaraqaddara
2 fahadaha
| | Al-Ala | Pre Ayat ← 4 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Most High | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:Who caused vegetation to grow,
Translit: Waallathee akhraja almarAAa
0 waallatheeWaallathiy
1 akhrajaakhraja
2 almarAAaalmar`a
| | Al-Ala | Pre Ayat ← 5 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Most High | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:then reduced it to black rubbish.
Translit: FajaAAalahu ghuthaan ahwa
0 FajaAAalahuthaja`alahu
1 ghuthaanghuthaan
2 ahwaahwa
| | Al-Ala | Pre Ayat ← 6 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Most High | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:We shall enable you to recite; then you shall not forget
Translit: Sanuqrioka fala tansa
0 SanuqriokaSanuqrioka
1 fala | فَلَا | not |particle| no! |negative imperative| Combined Particles | after that/then/thereuponfala
2 tansatansa
| | Al-Ala | Pre Ayat ← 7 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Most High | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:except what Allah wills. He knows what is open and also what is hidden.
Translit: Illa ma shaa Allahu innahu yaAAlamu aljahra wama yakhfa
0 IllaIlla
1 ma | مَا | what |interro. pron.|, that which |relative pron|, not |negation|, as long as |conj.| whenever, the fact that Combined Particles ma
2 shaashaa
3 AllahuAllahu
4 innahu | إِنَّهُ | verily he Combined Particles innahu
5 yaAAlamuya`lamu
6 aljahraaljahra
7 wama | وَمَا | what |interro. pron.|, that which |relative pron|, not |negation|, as long as |conj.| whenever, the fact that Combined Particles | when/if
8 yakhfayakhfa
| | Al-Ala | Pre Ayat ← 8 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Most High | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:And We give you the facility of the easy way;
Translit: Wanuyassiruka lilyusra
0 wanuyassirukaWanuyassiruka
1 lilyusralyus
| | Al-Ala | Pre Ayat ← 9 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Most High | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:therefore, admonish them if admonition be profitable.
Translit: Fathakkir in nafaAAati alththikra
0 Fathakkirthathakkir
1 in | إِنْ | in; at; on |prep.| Combined Particles in
2 nafaAAatinafa`ati
3 alththikraalththikra
| | Al-Ala | Pre Ayat ← 10 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Most High | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:He who fears will accept the admonition,
Translit: Sayaththakkaru man yakhsha
0 SayaththakkaruSayaththakkaru
1 man | مَنْ | who? which one? which ones |interr. pron.|, who; the who; those who; whoever, whosoever, everyone who, he who | relative pron. | Combined Particles man
2 yakhshayakhsha
| | Al-Ala | Pre Ayat ← 11 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Most High | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:and it will be shunned by the most wretched one,
Translit: Wayatajannabuha alashqa
0 wayatajannabuhaWayatajannabuha
1 alashqaalashqa
| | Al-Ala | Pre Ayat ← 12 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Most High | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:who shall enter the Great Fire,
Translit: Allathee yasla alnnara alkubra
0 AllatheeAllathiy
1 yaslayasla
2 alnnaraalnnara
3 alkubraalkubra
| | Al-Ala | Pre Ayat ← 13 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Most High | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:wherein he shall neither die nor live.
Translit: Thumma la yamootu feeha wala yahya
0 ThummaThumma
1 la | لَا | not |particle| no! |negative imperative| Combined Particles
2 yamootuyamuwtu
3 feeha | فِيهَا | in her Combined Particles fiyha
4 wala | وَلَا | nor,... either; not even, also |with preceding neg.| Combined Particles wala
5 yahyayahya
| | Al-Ala | Pre Ayat ← 14 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Most High | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:Truly successful was he who purified himself,
Translit: Qad aflaha man tazakka
0 QadQad
1 aflahaaflaha
2 man | مَنْ | who? which one? which ones |interr. pron.|, who; the who; those who; whoever, whosoever, everyone who, he who | relative pron. | Combined Particles man
3 tazakkatazakka
| | Al-Ala | Pre Ayat ← 15 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Most High | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:and remembered the name of his Lord, then prayed.
Translit: Wathakara isma rabbihi fasalla
0 wathakaraWathakara
1 ismaisma
2 rabbihirabbihi
3 fasallasal
| | Al-Ala | Pre Ayat ← 16 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Most High | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:But you (O men,) prefer the life of this world,
Translit: Bal tuthiroona alhayata alddunya
0 Balthal
1 tuthiroonatuthiruwna
2 alhayataalhayata
3 alddunyaalddunya
| | Al-Ala | Pre Ayat ← 17 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Most High | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:although the Hereafter is better and more lasting.
Translit: Waalakhiratu khayrun waabqa
0 waalakhiratuWaalakhiratu
1 khayrunkhayrun
2 waabqaab
| | Al-Ala | Pre Ayat ← 18 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Most High | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:The same had been said in the former Books,
Translit: Inna hatha lafee alssuhufi aloola
0 InnaInna
1 hatha | هَـٰذَا | this, this one; (masc., single) |demonstrative pron.| Combined Particles hatha
2 lafee | لَفِي | in; at; on |prep.| Combined Particles | butf
3 alssuhufialssuhufi
4 aloolaaluwla
| | Al-Ala | Pre Ayat ← 19 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Most High | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:the Books of Abraham and Moses.
Translit: Suhufi ibraheema wamoosa
0 SuhufiSuhufi
1 ibraheemaibrahiyma
2 wamoosamuw